Thursday, December 9, 2010

Abuse Through All Eternity

The year after the marriage, Mary-Beth went even further into her abusive marriage. It was insane. She had been brainwashed into believing that her only hope of salvation was contingent upon her agreeing to be married in the afterlife to this wicked man. But her life only got worse. Much worse.

Any normal person would ask, why would she want to be married to this guy in the afterlife, especially if her mortal life with him was so bad? But this is what happens when anyone is inducted into a cult. Everything that you are exposed to is tainted with their own spin on things. It goes on day and night until you cannot think for yourself anymore.

They told her that if she did not marry this guy for the hereafter, that their "monogamous" god would take the child away and give it to someone else. She had no choice, but to submit to her manipulative husband and abuse for all eternity.

Emotional abuse involves harming a person's sense of self. It includes acts (or omissions) that result in, or place a person at risk of, serious behavioural, cognitive, emotional or mental health problems.

For example, emotional abuse may include verbal threats, social isolation, intimidation, exploitation, or routinely making unreasonable demands. It also includes terrorizing a mother by threatening to steal her baby.

Abusers may use a number of different tactics to manipulate thier victims, to exert power and control over them, and prevent them from running away from the abuse or seeking support. The people who are being abused are usually in a position of dependence on the person who is abusing them.

Abuse is a misuse of power and a violation of trust. The abuse may happen once or it may occur in a repeated and escalating pattern over a period of months or years. Often the abuse changes form over time, allowing the abuser to change tactics to accomplish the manipulation. More often than not, abuse tactics are very subtle, often mimicking true concern.

But abuse is always clearly apparent when we remember this one principle, that true love and concern will never deny anyone their free agency.

True love and concern will never exercise control over anyone, in any degree of unrighteousness.

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