Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Deception Of Gender Equality In A Society Of Forced “Monogamy”

Thousands of studies have revealed the damage that a parental break-up can have on children, but the prevalence of what experts call “multi-partner fertility or serial monogamy” is salt in their wounds. One study showed that by the time the first born children were five, 20% of their mothers had a child by a different man, and 27% of the children were living with their mother’s new live-in “monogamist” partner.

These "monogamous" relationships tended to reduce biological father involvement in the lives of the first born: Dads are less likely to come around when a new man is in the house. In the long run, it’s not even clear that the new boyfriends are good for the women involved, since mothers with children by more than one man “reported significantly less available fiduciary support and resources than those with children by one man.”

The women and children in these “monogamous” societies are often at the bottom of the economic scale. The are often reduced to living in squalid conditions, to which the mother has no recourse except to consign herself to a life of misery and accept the position that their oppressive “monogamous” society has unjustly placed upon them, to lower her standards and pair off with a self-serving, unfaithful “monogamous” man.

Multiplying the difficulties of the child-unfriendly atmosphere are the many fathers who go on to have children with another “monogamous” woman. The study reported that men with children in a new relationship spent less time and money on their previous children. One study also found (no surprise) that the quality of “co-parenting” declines when a new “monogamous” girlfriend or boyfriend enters the picture.

For the men who were adverse to the separation, the break-up often resulted in severe difficulty. Men who lived with their children worked longer hours and earned more, while those who moved out were more likely to become unemployed.

The studies also showed a tremendously detrimental impact on the children suffering in these "monogamous" societies. The studies clearly showed that children growing up with single mothers have more behaviour problems than those with two stable parents; those problems worsen with every “transition,” that is, every new “monogamous” relationship and break-up.

Evidence is clearly shown that instability affects children’s cognitive performance.

Worst of all, children growing up with a boyfriend or stepdad in the house are at greater risk of abuse, a fact horribly demonstrated in the daily reports of police officers across the country, of children being hospitalized and/or dying as a result of their mother’s "monogamous" boyfriend’s beatings.

Serial Monogamy is a blatantly obvious strategy of self-serving men to get as many women as they can without having to accept responsibility for their actions. It is a design of evil men that want to deny accountability for their behaviour, and turn women into chattel, to be traded back and forth, to be used, then cast aside, all under the pretence of fairness and equality. One only needs to consider the damage to families in “monogamist” societies.

For the millions of oppressed and abused women and children in these “monogamist” societies, life will not change until polygamy is decriminalized and freedom and equality and the protection of law, are available to all women and children.

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